Corona Beer Virus vs. Coronavirus

Have you heard of the corona beer virus vs. coronavirus. It seems that millions of people throughout the world have. The internet is being flooded with information and misinformation regarding the corona beer virus. Do they have anything to do with each other? Absolutely not!! In fact, the company that makes Corona Beer has issued statements that they are not related.

Corona Beer Virus vs. Coronavirus

The World Health Organization has issued warning throughout the world regarding the coronavirus.  Why is it that it is being touted as the Corona Beer Virus?  This is a very serious health problem throughout the world and should be treated as such.  However, do not be confused with the controversy regarding the Corona Beer Virus vs. the coronavirus. Finally, the corona beer virus is a hoax.

Thousands of people have died so far from the coronavirus which was first detected in China in December of 2019. Millions have now been affected throughout the world. At first it was mostly from people who had recently visited China. In fact, travel to China from the United States is restricted at this time. It is interesting to note that passengers on several cruise ships have been infected and are being quarantined. Many countries did not allow the ships to dock because of the fear of the virus. Now the virus is worldwide and has grown into a global pandemic.

Boost Your Immune System

You may be asking yourself, “What is my risk of contracting the coronavirus?” In fact, unless you come in contact with someone who has the virus, you are not at risk. Finally, be sure to wash your hands regularly and avoid those who are ill if at all possible. Boost your Immune System.


As a matter of fact, this is a great time to boost your immune system. We are in the middle of the flu season, along with the scare of the Coronavirus.

Questions & Answers

Q:  Is it safe to receive a package or letter from China?

A:  Coronavirus does not survive long on objects

Q:  Can pets spread the coronavirus?

A:  There is no evidence that  cats and dogs can be infected by the virus.

Q:  Do vaccines against pneumonia prevent coronavirus?

A:  No.  Vaccines such as pneumonia or influenza do not protect against it. 

Q:  Does the virus affect older people more often

A:  Older people and people with conditions such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease seem to be more vulnerable, but any age can contract it. 

Symptoms of Coronavirus

Symptoms range from severe to not very serious. They include:

  • fever
  • cough
  • shortness of breath
  • headache

Symptoms seem to appear from 2-14 days from exposure. Those who have travelled to China are greatly at risk of contracting the virus. Again, upon returning to their country of origin, they are being quarantined until risk has passed.

corona beer virus vs. corona virus

When people are infected with the virus, but do not really know because it seems like the flu, they need to be vigilant and not spread the disease. If the symptoms become severe such as chest pain, rapid heartbeat, prolonged fever or difficulty breathing, contact your doctor immediately because this can turn into pneumonia or even kidney failure. This virus can be deadly and must be taken seriously. The death toll has reached over 500 thousand worldwide at this point, and the virus is still not under control.

Stay Safe