Why I Need EMF Protection

Many people today are asking “Why I need EMF-protection?” The research is clear that many health problems can result from too much exposure to EMF (electro magnetic force). We are surrounded by sources of EMF, which is both good and bad. We love all of the amazing things that are available to us, but we must think of protecting ourselves as well. So, the answer to me is “Yes” I do need EMF-protection.


Upon researching I have found that EMFs do influence the metabolic processes in the human body and may cause varied effects on cells. We know that many things around emit EMF to some degree. Most people use electronic conveniences, but many are not aware of the risks involved in the use of these gadgets. Electric and magnetic fields are produced everywhere electricity is used, including our power lines, cellphones, microwaves, Wi-Fi routers, computers, Bluetooth devices, smart meters, and other appliances.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified non-ionizing EMGs as possible human carcinogens. This in itself should make us realize we should protect ourselves.

Symptoms of EMF Exposure

Research shows that many health issues can result from EMF exposure. Some of these symptoms include:

See details here:


  • dysesthesia (painful, often itchy sensation)
  • sleep disturbances, including insomnia
  • headaches
  • depression and anxiety
  • tiredness and fatigue
  • lack of concentration
  • changes in memory
  • dizziness
  • body aches
  • tension, stress, irritability
  • skin tingling or burning sensations
  • allergies/flu-like symptoms
  • eye strain and vision loss
  • tinnitus

Why tuün™ Resonate?

tuün™ Resonate, pronounced (tune), is a state-of-the-art wearable biohack that contains proprietary technology which is designed to help your body in it’s fight against EMFs. Electronic devices are part of our everyday life, but they may also cause several health problems. This beautiful, wearable tuün™ Resonate helps you live a more filtered life in harmony with your electronic devices. Specifically designed to bring balance and harmony to your mind and body. YOUR BEST B.E.T AGAINST EMFs

Some research I read states that EMF exposure has been linked to Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). It has been established that technology we use every day and its low energy EMF radiation can actually affect our cell health, body performance and the levels of hormones and neurotransmitters in our brains. These things can create unhealthy physical symptoms which can become serious.

How to Combat EMF Radiation

There are many ways that we can combat EMF exposure. Here are a few to consider:

  • Drink plenty of water to hydrate cells
  • Create a tech-free sleep sanctuary at night
  • Get outside, enjoy sunshine, walk barefoot on the earth
  • Use speaker on your cellphone
  • Use a radiation shield to create a barrier

What Are Your Waiting For Order Here

Protect yourself and your loved ones with this state-of-the-art solution. Order yours here today and begin feeling better and more protected. This patented technology helps the body fight off electromagnetic pollution and harmful stressors to help the body function more optimally.

Benefits include:

  • Improves sleep quality
  • Improves focus and mood
  • May decrease electromagnetic hypersensitivity symptoms
  • Aids in enhancing vitality
  • Helps reduce free radical damage
  • May help enhance sense of well being

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