Honoring Our Veterans

Honoring our veterans is important, but I wonder how many actually believe that. We must understand that “Freedom is not Free”, but is paid for at enormous cost. We owe our amazing freedoms to the men and women who sacrifice so much to keep us free.

Honoring our Veterans

honoring our veterans

Why Do We Honor Our Veterans

In the words of President Ronald Reagan in 1983, “Veterans know better than anyone else the price of freedom, for they’ve suffered the scars of war. We can offer them no better tribute than to protect what they have won for us.”

Our veterans deserve our love, respect and gratitude for their courage, bravery and willingness to sacrifice their very lives if necessary to preserve the freedom of this country.

World War II

I was born during World War II. My dad served as a Marine in the South Pacific. He didn’t speak much about the war because it was not pleasant to remember, but he knew that the hardships and sacrifices that he and others made were worth it.

honoring our veterans

“Our hero” returned home to us when I was 2 years old. And, I am forever grateful for the protection during his service.

Imagine my grandmother, who had three sons serving; one in the Army, one a Marine and the other in the Navy. Her sacrifice is inconceivable to me, never knowing if she would see these precious sons again. What about the bravery of my mom, knowing she was pregnant with me when my dad left. She told me how she wrote letters every day, never knowing if he would ever receive them. What it must have been like for her and so many wives, who hoped and prayed every day for the safety of their beloved husbands, is hard to imagine.

The Battle of Midway

Watching the movie Midway this week, I learned a lot about the courage of these amazing members of the US Navy. The Imperial Japanese Navy was much larger with so many more battleships and fighter planes than the United States. The fighting was fierce, as the US Navy launched a surprise attack on the Japanese, turning the tide of the war. The courage of these men far exceeds anything I can imagine. These true Heroes deserve our respect and gratitude.

D-Day Marks the End of WWII

honoring our veterans

The infamous battle at Normandy took place on Tuesday, 6 June 1944. 156,000 allied forces invaded German occupied France marking the end of WWII.

My uncle fought in the battle of Normandy. He was a paratrooper, who parachuted into the middle of the battle. He received the “Silver Star” for valor in combat. This true hero never spoke of his service, but I honor him for his courage and gallantry.

honoring our veterans

Bob Hope Entertaining the Troops

“I saw your sons and your husbands, your brothers and your sweethearts. I saw how they worked, played, fought and lived. I saw some of them die. I saw more courage, more good humor in the face of discomfort, more love in an era of hate, and more devotion to duty than could exist under tyranny.” Bob Hope, 1944

honoring our veterans

Being occasionally entertained by famous stars was a bright spot for the soldiers. I remember vividly, during the Korean War, hearing Bob Hope talk about how he entertained the troops for so many years.

Freedom Is Not Free,” expresses gratitude to the military for fighting for our freedoms in this country. The men and women of the US Military, past and present, deserve our respect because they are willing to pay the price for freedom, whatever that might be.

It is special when the branches of the US military are honored in programs. The feeling is so respectful as they all stand and are honored as their respective “song” is played. This brings tears to my eyes.

One Closing Thought

Today as I was pulling out of a parking lot I saw the most amazing sight.  A veteran about 80-90 years old, hanging onto his walker, stood proudly holding a hand-made sign which simply said it all “Happy Veterans Day,  God Bless”.   This beautiful sight again brought tears to my eyes.  I truly love our veterans and thank them from the bottom of my heart for their service.

Honoring Our Veterans is a Privilege