Intermittent Fasting For Beginners

Here are some interesting facts about intermittent fasting for beginners. Actually, intermittent fasting is a very popular health and fitness trend. It is used not only for weight loss, but also to improve health and wellness. It is interesting to note that fasting is part of life for spiritual reasons for many world religions. Learn more here!!

What is Intermittent Fasting

intermittent fasting for beginners

IF (intermittent fasting) is described as a pattern for eating. It does not specify foods to eat or not, but instead is based on when you eat. Some say it makes life more simple, with fewer meals to plan and prepare.

Some Health Benefits

Many studies have been conducted, and findings show that there are many benefits to your health, body and brain.

Some benefits include:

  • Weight Loss – could help lose weight and belly fat
  • Reduce Insulin Resistance – by lowering blood sugar
  • Inflammation – can reduce inflammation
  • Heart Health – may reduce bad cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar
  • Cancer – may prevent cancer
  • Brain Health – increases brain hormone, may aid new nerve cell growth, protect against Alzheimer’s
  • Anti-aging – research shows could extend lifespan

Research shows that : short, intermittent fasting benefits your body and brain. It may also help in weight loss, reduce risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, memory and cancer.

Types of Intermittent Fasts

There are many ways to fast, but there are a few that are popular today. Research is ongoing, but it is clear that these fasts have many health benefits.

16:8 Fast

This type of fast is done by fasting 16 hours. So in essence, there is an 8 hour window where you can eat. So, during those 8 hours, you eat all of your meals for the day, for no longer than 8 hours. Typically this means eating only two meals daily, your choice. This seems like a great way to fast.

20:4 Fast

This method actually allows you to eat meals with a 4 hour time frame, and fast for 20 hours. You could eat either one large meal during this time, or two smaller meals. This method seems to be a little more difficult to follow, but would be effective.

24-Hour Fast

This fast is usually done 2 or 3 times a week and involves fasting for 24 hours straight. You only eat one meal a day during this fast. It is also know as the “one meal a day” fast.

Alternate Day Fast

This fast involves fasting every other day, by only eating 500 calories every other day. You eat normally on the days you are not fasting.

Convenience Fast

An approach that I find interesting is fasting whenever it is convenient. All you do is skip meals from time to time when you aren’t hungry or just don’t feel like eating.

How To Start Intermittent Fasting for Beginners

Get some ideas here before you begin your fasting program.

Fasting Not For Everyone

I learned that intermittent fasting is not recommended for people who are underweight or have eating disorders. It is also not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. There are also several medical conditions where you should consult your doctor before beginning intermittent fasting.

  • Diabetes
  • Blood sugar regulation
  • Low blood pressure
  • Some medications
  • Women trying to conceive

My Conclusion

The conclusion I have come to is that intermittent fasting has many health benefits for most people. However, if you have a medical condition that concerns you, you definitely should consult your doctor.

I think that I have learned from this research is this: There are benefits to intermittent fasting, so find something that works for you, that you enjoy and fits into your schedule. There is absolutely no right or wrong way. Intermittent fasting is not for everyone, so you just need to do what works for you.

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