People and Pets

People and pets just seem to go together. It doesn’t matter where you live, whether in the city or the country, people love their pets. Many people treat their dogs like they are children. That may seem strange to some, but to many, it is a reality. Pets in general, provide many positive things and ask very little.

Why Have a Pet?

people and pets

So many people love and enjoy their pets while others feel like they just do not have the time for them. Perhaps they could consider an aquarium of beautiful fish. Over the years our family had many pets including dogs, hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, snakes, fish and even a pot belly pig. There are actually so many benefits to having a pet.

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People and Pets

Here are some things that research shows are the benefits of owning a pet:

  • A pet’s love never fails. They love you no matter what
  • Emotionally healthy to give love to something else, it could take your mind off your troubles
  • Encourages physical exercise
  • Help ease depression, anxiety or things such as PTSD
  • Petting a creature lowers your blood pressure and helps you relax
  • Pets only add more love in a family, they never take it away

Health Benefits of Pets

There are actually many proven health benefits of owning a pet. Pets can improve your physical, mental and emotional health as well as helping you with social skills.

  • It has been proven that having a pet in the home can lower the likelihood of children developing allergies
  • Pets can actually help you make friends such as at the dog park or training classes, plus using pet-focused social networking sites
  • Studies show that pet owners have lower blood pressure, cholesterol , and triglycerides, so are at a lower risk of a heart attack. If you already had an attack, a pet can help you recover more quickly.
  • Your pet can encourage you to exercise, such as taking them for regular walks, on hikes with you or perhaps even running.
  • Pets can help combat loneliness because they offer unconditional love. They provide companionship and bring joy and happiness. This is especially true among the elderly.
  • For those dealing with chronic pain, pets can significantly reduce pain by reducing anxiety.
  • Children who grow up with pets learn to express themselves and relate to others better. They are especially useful in children with ADHD or autism

Pets are Good for Kids

people and pets

It is a proven fact that children who grow up with pets benefit greatly. They not only learn about unconditional love, but also comfort.

  • Learn responsibility by feeding, walking, and cleaning up after them.
  • Kids get outside more as they run and play with their pets
  • They learn to nurture
  • Sharing love and caring for a pet helps siblings bond
  • Cuddling a pet reduces a child’s anxiety or stress.

Pet Therapy

I am just learning about animal assisted therapy, or pet therapy. This is a field that is growing as more ways are found for animals to assist in healing and coping with disease and mental disorders. These animals also provide comfort and enjoyment to patients as well as the elderly.

people and pets

Pet Therapy can actually reduce pain, anxiety and depression

  • Children having dental procedures
  • Patients receiving cancer treatments
  • Patients in long-term care facilities
  • Those suffering from cardiovascular disease
  • People with dementia
  • Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder
  • People with anxiety

From all I have read, I will conclude that it truly is beneficial for young, old and everyone in between to enjoy the companionship of pets. Pets can save your life, keep you active, improve your mental health, your physical health and boost your social life. What else do you need?