What Is My Why

What is my why? To be successful, we must discover our “why”. I know that “My why” is made up of my Family, Faith, Hopes, Dreams, Goals, Experience and Choices. My life has been pretty great, being married to my best friend for over 59 years, and raising a wonderful family. Our life has been filled with family, church responsibilities, and wonderful life experiences. Yes, we had difficult times and challenges along the way, but all were great learning experiences for me. Just because I am getting older, doesn’t mean I stop growing, achieving, learning and being. I am allowing myself to dream again!

what is my why

What Is My Why

Today I am dreaming about a different future.  “My Why” is different today than it was yesterday.  Why do dreams have to end just because you get older?  Life is too short to live with regret, so why not dream big!!

To tell the truth, I had actually quit dreaming, because I lost my husband, my best friend, and now could I have dreams. My husband was a self-employed dentist for over 50 years, and we used those years to travel a lot and enjoy building memories with our family. We had the freedom to enjoy our life. If I had known then what my future would be like, I may have done things differently. But probably not, I have no regrets, just need to find a way to dream again.

Abundant Blessings

The majority of my life was spent raising a beautiful family of 8 children. At this point in life, I am blessed with 35 grandchildren and 30+ great-grandchildren (always growing). It was definitely worth the sacrifices I made to be a full-time wife and mom. Providing a happy, faith-filled, comfortable life and building memories was our goal.  We taught our children the importance of working hard, and they are now all very capable, successful adults.

We have traveled the world and visited many beautiful places in many continents.  My life is full of amazing friends, family, choices, experiences and memories.  After my husband retired, we realized that we probably didn’t have enough money in retirement savings to last for many years, but we would be “OK.”   What did “OK” mean exactly?  Then, last night during our RRR247 training Rory asked our community to write a page for our blog explaining Our Why.  He reminded me that I had actually stopped dreaming.  Wow!  That was eye-opening, because I have so many fulfilled hopes and dreams in my life, but why did they have to stop?   The reason why is “Money”.  Now that I am alone, this is an even bigger problem.

Become Debt Free

what is my why

A very big “why” for me is to be debt-free. Throughout our lives our church leaders have stressed the importance of avoiding debt as much as possible.  So, now an important goal is to pay off my debts and experience real financial freedom.

Serving Together

My husband and I served our first mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, from Aug 2016 – Jan 2018, in the Singapore Mission.  We were blessed to live in the beautiful country of West Malaysia.  This experience was life-changing and one I will forever be grateful for.  We were called to our second mission to serve for 12 months in Nauvoo Illinois, which is a major historical site of our church.  We arrived in March 2020, and after being in Nauvoo for just two weeks, we were sent home because of Covid-19.  Unfortunately, my life changed dramatically on March 25, 2022 when my husband suddenly passed away. This has been an adjustment for me, as I must now rethink my “why”.

Travel to Ancestral Home

Another dream of mine is to spend time in Ireland and Scotland.  Many of my ancestors are from those two countries and my desire is to see for myself where they lived, walked, loved and worked.  We have traveled to England and Wales and visited many places where ancestors lived, but my “bucket list” still includes Ireland and Scotland.  I was blessed to spend 2 weeks in Ireland a few years ago, but most of my time was spent in genealogical research, and now I want to actually experience these beautiful countries and see for myself where I came from.

what is my why

what is my why

So, now that I am allowing myself to dream again, I must set specific goals to actually achieve “My Why”.   Working with the wonderful community of people in RRR247 is giving me hope and a way to achieve my why. The “system” is in place, just waiting for me to tap into my potential. They believe in me, so now I need to believe in myself.