Developing an Attitude of Gratitude

Developing an attitude of gratitude will actually make you a happier, healthier, better person. Today in this age of instant gratification, it is difficult to develop this quality, but is essential for true happiness. Developing an “Attitude of Gratitude” is a simple way to improve your quality of life and other’s as well.

developing an attitude of gratitude

Characteristics of Grateful People

  • Feel a sense of abundance in their lives
  • Appreciate contributions of others
  • Recognize and enjoy small pleasures
  • Acknowledge importance of expressing gratitude

It is proven that as you feel and express gratitude you are happier. It takes time and effort at first to stop and think about the things that have made you happy in the day and who deserves your thanks.

Why is Gratitude Important?

  • Gratitude Makes you Happier: You may think that you are happy, but as you learn to feel and express gratitude, you will be happier. Robert Emmons, a leading gratitude researcher has found a link between gratitude and well-being. He confirms that gratitude increases happiness and reduces depression.
  • Improves Your Relationships: When you show gratitude, you will make friends and strengthen the relationships you already have. It is said that gratitude is the glue that holds couples together.
  • Makes you a Better Person: As you are grateful, you are nicer and more likeable. Gratitude helps you become more spiritual and less materialistic. As you become less self-centered you will develop greater self-worth.
  • Gratitude Makes you Healthier: Because gratitude reduces stress you become more emotionally stable. It is said that grateful people experience fewer aches and pains, and are more likely to take care of their health. It even helps you sleep better as you think about those things that you are grateful for before going to sleep.
  • Can Give you a Career Boost: Forbes has dozens of articles about the importance of gratitude in business. Being grateful can increase productivity and help you relate to others better.
  • Improves self-esteem: Studies show gratitude reduces social comparisons. Instead of being resentful, grateful people are more able to appreciate the accomplishments of others.
developing an attitude of gratitude

Ways to Show Gratitude

Instead of looking at what we wish we had or things that we wish would change, why not take a few minutes to focus on all of the things that make our life so amazing. There are many ways that we can show gratitude for the wonders in our life, so I will point out just a few.

  1. Touch someone: Instead of simply saying thank you, reach out and touch someone gently.
  2. Give them something: Sometimes just a small gift of appreciation for no reason at all, is just what they need.
  3. Feel Grateful: Appreciate all that you have and share something with others. Perhaps a pair of socks to a homeless person doesn’t seem much to you, but means a lot to them.
  4. Smile: A simple smile is contagious and will bring joy to those around you, so share yours willingly and abundantly.
  5. Volunteer: There are so many opportunities to volunteer, so why not share yourself and your smile unselfishly.
  6. Act Without Reward: Give a little extra as you checkout and ask the cashier to use it on the next person in line or someone they think needs it.
  7. Write Thank-you Note: Write an unexpected thank-you note to someone “just because.”
  8. Be Present: Clear your mind of distractions and pay attention.

Developing an Attitude of Gratitude

  • Every day express what you are grateful for
  • At the end of each day tell someone 3 things you are grateful for
  • Right this moment, tell someone close by 3 things you are grateful for
  • Start a Gratitude Journal- enter every night things you are proud of, grateful for or excited about
  • Do not compare yourself to others, instead acknowledge big and small things you are doing
  • Acknowledge others and thank them for their help, support and inspiration. Think about it; when was the last time you thanked a colleague for their help or efforts.
developing an attitude of gratitude

At the end of the day take time to think about and write down things that you are grateful for that day. As you do this, feelings of anger and negativity disappear and you feel more joy and peace in your life.