Safely Eat Carbs

Safely eat carbs for a more healthy body.  Here is a way to safely eat carbs and be healthy too.  It is a misconception that carbs make you fat.  There are definitely ways to eat carbs in a healthy way.  In fact, “good carbs” are very good for you and are necessary for a healthy lifestyle.

eat carbs“What if Eating Carbs wasn’t the Enemy”

We all think of carbs as the enemy.  But, there are ways to  enjoy them without the adverse side effects carbs create in our bodies.   In fact, you can actually eat carbs and enjoy!

Healthy Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates actually get a bad rap.  They can be very healthy, but when over-processed, they lose nutrients and become “empty calories.”  The body must process the nutrients it takes in, and digest them properly.  In fact, this can cause problems when the foods are over-processed.  When used properly, foods containing carbohydrates are very healthy and good for your body.   So, avoid over-processed foods!!

Health benefits of eating carbs as part of a balanced diet.

There’s a common misconception that “carbohydrates make you fat.” As a matter of fact, this is not true. When you overeat, they can contribute to weight gain, but so can eating too much of any food. The fact is, carbohydrates are a healthy addition to your diet.

Eat Smart with Healthy Carbs

1: Help boost your mood.

Researchers suspect that carbs promote the production of serotonin, a feel-good brain chemical. In a study from the Archives of Internal Medicine, people who followed a very low carbohydrate diet for a year, experienced more depression, anxiety and anger.  However, those assigned to a low-fat, high-carb diet that focused on low-fat dairy, whole grains, fruit and beans, did not have those same symptoms.  Undeniably, you will feel better as you begin to look better.

2: Carbs can help prevent weight gain—and even promote weight loss.

Researchers at Brigham Young University in Utah followed the eating habits of middle-aged women for nearly two years and found that those who increased their fiber intake generally lost weight. Women who decreased the fiber in their diets gained.

3: Are good for your heart.  Image result for heart

Research suggests that increasing your soluble-fiber intake (a type of fiber found in carb-rich foods like oatmeal and beans) by 5 to 10 grams each day can result in a 5 percent drop in “bad” LDL cholesterol. Similarly, people who eat more whole grains also tend to have lower LDL cholesterol and higher “good” HDL cholesterol.

4: Will help you trim your waistline.

Swapping refined grains for whole grains may help reduce total body fat and belly fat, according to research in the Journal of Nutrition. In the study, adults who ate about 3 servings of whole grains a day had about 2.4 percent less body fat and 3.6 percent less abdominal fat than those who ate less than a quarter of a serving.

5: Keep your memory sharp.

We need carbs for our brain to work properly.  While we need to Eat Carbs, we do not need the ill effects.

6: Carbs will help you blast fat.

Eating a breakfast of “slow-release” carbohydrates, such as oatmeal or bran cereal, 3 hours before exercise can help burn more fat, according to a study from the Journal of Nutrition. Here’s why: in the study, eating “slow-release” carbohydrates didn’t spike blood sugar as high as eating refined carbohydrates, such as white toast. Therefore, insulin levels didn’t spike as high and because insulin plays a role in signaling your body to store fat, having lower levels could help you burn fat.

eat carbsI’ve never been a fan of low-carb diets: Our bodies and brains need carbohydrates to work effectively. First of all, fruits, dairy and vegetables are all sources of carbohydrates. Most importantly, there are indeed “good” carbs and the “bad” ones that, if eaten frequently, can raise your risk of developing diseases like heart disease and diabetes.   Safely Eat carbs by eating “good” carbs as much as you can.

Good Carbs:  safely eat carbs

On the flip side, eating “good carbs” in place of refined ones can reduce your risk of these very same diseases—and may even help you to lose weight because they’re generally rich in feel-full fiber.  To sum it up, Eat Carbs, but Eat Carbs smart.

Journal of Nutrition:

One study in the Journal of Nutrition found that eating three servings of whole grains a day helped people reduce their total body fat and abdominal fat. Here are 6 “great” carbs to keep in your diet.

6 Great Choices

1. Whole-Wheat Pasta

Sometimes you just need pasta—Whole-wheat pasta offers two to three times more fiber than refined white varieties. Similarly, whole-wheat bread and brown rice are healthier choices than their “white” counterparts.  Most importantly, you don’t need to give up on Pasta.

2. Quinoa

Consider it souped-up couscous. A delicately flavored whole grain, it provides fiber and protein . Finally, research shows protein can help you feel full  longer. Rinsing quinoa removes its natural bitter protective coating.

3. Barley

Barley is available in both “pearled” or “quick-cooking”. While both contain soluble fiber that helps keep blood cholesterol levels healthy, pearl barley has a little more.  In addition Barley is a great source of food for everyday use.

4. Bulgur

Located in health stores, and found easily online. Bulgur wheat is a great option, and is a perfect low-maintenance grain.  Not to mention, bulgar wheat is a great source of feel-full fiber.

5. Wheat Berries

Wheat Berries are the whole, unprocessed kernels of wheat. As a matter of fact, they are a terrific source of B vitamins, iron, magnesium, zinc and, fiber.

6. Popcorn

Popcorn is the best solution when you crave something salty, and it satisfies a snack craving, besides that, it’s a whole grain. Three cups of popped popcorn equals one of your three recommended daily servings of whole grains and contains 3 grams of fiber.

With the rise in health awareness, there are literally hundreds of thousands of recipes and methods to eat healthy carbs.

Conclusion is you can safely eat carbs 

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